Through a comprehensive and structured compilation and evaluation of existing knowledge and greater networking of relevant stakeholders, OrganicYieldsUP aims to contribute to a sustainable increase in yields in organic farming systems.
There is still a need for greater knowledge sharing and capacity building in Europe to effectively address this issue.
To provide data and knowledge on yields in organic cropping systems and the impact of strategies and approaches to improve yields.
The project will compile relevant data on yields and the impact of yield-increasing strategies from 11 regions / countries in a structured and harmonised way.
To assess the suitability and the potential of strategies to improve yields in the short and medium-term in a sustainable way.
The OrganicYieldsUP will reflect and assess the suitability of yield increasing strategies based on data from experimental and long-term trials, pilot farm networks as well as other scientific studies.
Provide recommendations for the future research agenda and the further development of EU policies.
Recommendations will be drawn up for a specific research and innovation roadmap and will provide sound, grounded advice for improving EU regulations on organic farming, as well as the CAP, to increase yields from organic farming.
Increase the availability and accessibility of information that provides information on how yields can be improved in organic cropping systems.
The project will be communicated through the project website and the communication channels. The results of the project will be disseminated through a variety of formats aimed at the different target groups.